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The Care Your Senior Loved One Deserves

When we think about the care our senior loved ones should receive as they age at home, we can think of nothing else but the quality of the care services they should receive. Luckily, the services that we provide here at Smile Homecare Agency, Inc., t...

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Specialized Dementia Care Plan At Home

During the early stages of dementia, care provided by a primary family caregiver or any family member may suffice as the care needs are not that advanced yet. However, as the condition progresses to mid or later stages of dementia, so do the care nee...

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Supporting Your Loved Ones Each Day

Finding the right kind of support for your loved ones can be a difficult task. There are many things that you will need to consider before you are able to reach out to a provider who can help you. When you are in need of serious support and assistanc...

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Encourage Your Seniors to Move Their Body

It’s the new year, and encouraging your elderly loved ones to exercise as part of the year’s resolution is a good idea. Every individual should maintain physical activity. Maintaining a physical routine is essential. For senior adults, physical a...

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Recreational Activities for Seniors

Research suggests that engaging in recreational activities and other socially supported activities help in overcoming stress, anxiety, and depression. That’s why it is recommended, most especially for seniors, to continuously engage in recreation a...

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Dehydration in Seniors Must Be Prevented

Dehydration is a serious condition that can affect people of all ages. But its consequences may be graver for the elderly. Apart from the fact that seniors have more risk factors for becoming dehydrated, they are the ones who are more prone to forget...

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